• RPM vendors

RPM Vendors: 9 Benefits of Co-Sourcing Your Remote Patient Monitoring

With the growing recognition of Remote Patient Monitoring programs and telehealth in delivering improved patient outcomes and increased revenues, the number of RPM vendors has also risen correspondingly. But how do you as a healthcare provider choose the right RPM vendor that best meets the requirements of your care team and your patients?

Not all RPM vendors are the same, and you will need to apply judicious thought and undertake considerable research to find one that is suitable for your organization. Let us discuss briefly some criteria to evaluate RPM vendors, to be able to form an informed opinion and choose correctly; and the benefits that can accrue from co-sourcing your Remote Patient Monitoring.

RPM Application that Matches Your Clinical Goals

While Remote Patient Monitoring programs are most commonly used for chronic disease management, several other applications include acute care, respiratory therapy, medication adherence, behavioral health, and more.

Reduced Readmissions and Emergencies

Co-sourcing your Remote Patient Monitoring to capable RPM vendors can help patients keep a check on measurements like blood sugar levels, which in turn can help prevent costly hospitalizations or ER visits.

Augmented Revenue Streams

In the post-COVID scenario, CMS has made changes to both chronic care management and Remote Patient Monitoring, resulting in new CPT codes for reimbursement of remote clinical services.

Also, with RPM vendors using automated drop-shipping to the patient’s doorstep to deliver pre-configured devices that integrate into clinician workflow, healthcare providers can potentially increase practice revenues as well as improve patient health.

Better Patient Outcomes

Co-sourcing with the right RPM vendors brings the benefits of AI-driven data collection and analysis to your healthcare organization. A holistic virtual care strategy can help you to be on top of catching concernings out-of-range values and heeding trends that may suggest a need to modify the care regimen, thus improving outcomes and patient care.

Improved Quality of Care

As a healthcare provider, you can receive comprehensive patient data, including medication uptake, weight management, and blood sugar or blood pressure measurement. Co-sourcing software integration that transmits near real-time data as a part of the remote monitoring can help reduce health risks and complications as clinicians are able to take remedial steps to influence patient behavior.

Increased Patient Feedback

Health providers need to provide feedback on patient data generated by rpm vendors in order to qualify for reimbursement. This essentially provides an opportunity for the patients to receive more spontaneous feedback and education than they would during regular hospital visits or appointments.

Raised Patient Responsibility

The exchange of near real-time data and the consequent feedback between the patients and clinicians helps create a sense of heightened awareness and elevated responsibility among patients. Knowing that they are monitored by and connected to their care team  often leads to improved patient engagement and accountability.

Efficient Workflow

With RPM, physicians have a more flexible schedule to work on data gathered in the RPM portaland can look after their patients more efficiently, triaging and prioritizing those that are in most need of more urgent care

Lower Healthcare Costs

While in the short term, reduced hospital visits result in lower spending, co-sourcing remote monitoring with a competent rpm vendor can also cut down costs for evaluations, testing or procedures.

Co-Source Your Remote Patient Monitoring with HealthSnap

HealthSnap’s integrated Virtual Care Platform is an all-in-one Remote Patient Monitoring solution designed to empower your healthcare team with task automation, customizable workflow, multi-channel communication, and population analytics.

With the ability to collect large amounts of patient-generated data, HealthSnap can help your care team to manage chronic conditions remotely and improve clinical and financial outcomes. Call at 888-780-1872 or contact us online to request a demo.

By |2022-02-25T13:37:33-04:00January 17th, 2022|Remote Patient Monitoring|0 Comments

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